
Beautiful knits and silk apparel for women.  Paloma St James, a modern brand where luxury, style and comfort converge.





Blog posts

  • Invest in Modular Fashion for a Sustainable Future

    We are seeing a notable rise in the demand for sustainable fashion solutions, with 43% consumers willing to pay more price for the same piece of garment in sustainable version. And in the US alone, 79% millennials are expecting brands...

  • How to Build a Sustainable Capsule Wardrobe?

    The idea of a capsule wardrobe offers a refreshing approach to dressing sustainably and stylishly. A capsule wardrobe is essentially a curated collection of versatile, high-quality clothing items that can be mixed and matched to create multiple outfit combinations. By...

  • How to Shift Towards Sustainable Luxury Fashion: A Comprehensive Guide

    Sustainable luxury fashion is reshaping the way we perceive and interact with clothing. From reducing carbon footprints to supporting fair labor practices– it reflects a fundamental shift in consumer values towards more ethical and environmentally friendly choices. Now consumers are...